Mo-Fr 9:00-17:00 CMT -------- Tel.: +49 (0) 731 49 21 70 46 -------- E-Mail: contact[at]

App Programming for iPhone® and iPad®: Module 2

iOS (iPhone / iPad) App Programming: Module 2 is the last of the two courses of PrimExpertise’s iOS App Programming series.
Module 2 focuses on conveying the advanced skills which are necessary for creating your own professional iOS.
• The participants will learn how to use the tools and APIs included in the latest iOS SDK.
• Right from day one, the attendees will program their own iOS apps, gaining hands-on experience.
• Participants get answers to questions immediately so that they can start off creating their own iOS apps fast.
• Attendees save hundreds of hours of development time and frustration by focusing only on iOS development for three days with expert guidance.
Um mehr ueber die Konditionen und den Preis zu erfahren,
rufen Sie uns an unter +49 (0) 731 49 21 70 46
oder schreiben Sie uns eine Email an contact[at]
Um eine Inhouse-Schulung fuer diesen Kurs zu buchen, rufen Sie folgendes Formular auf


• Explanation, creation, and use of UISplitViewController, UIPageViewController, UIPopOverController


• Gesture Recognition


• Core Foundation: NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary and other important Core classes


• Core Location: Creating apps that use GPS location data


• Saving and loading user settings


• Video and audio playback and recording


• Localization and internationalization


• Debugging


• Unit-Tests





• Highly recommended: iOS (iPhone/iPad) App Programming: Module 1


• Good command of Objective-C, such as Objective-C 2.0: Module 1 and Objective-C 2.0: Module 2


• At least one year of experience in software development


• Knowledge of the object-oriented programming concepts


• Good knowledge of an object-oriented programming language, such as C/C++, C#, Java or others



Schedule and Location

• 3 days, each day lasts 6 hours with a one hour break


• Hotel of our choice or at your facilities




Connecting courses



• iOS (iPhone / iPad) App Programming: Networking


• iOS (iPhone / iPad) App Programming: Game Center


• iOS (iPhone / iPad) App Programming: Graphics and Animation


• iOS (iPhone / iPad) App Programming: OpenGL ES